OMG …my anger! I’m a 63 year old woman. 3 miscarriages and one termination due to medical complications during a time when doctors were the experts and in charge. Just me and my Doctors making the decisions.

“Do we engage in law making and political decision making with a default posture of … not wanting women to die? “

Answer: As long as the Extremist GOP continues unchecked the answer is grim.

We can’t even get gun legislation to save our children in school. They have deemed us as expendable.

Thank you for this Emily!

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I’m devastated and enraged. She should still be here! Her son should still have a mother. 😭💔

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This is infuriating. The standard of healthcare should not be a states right issue.

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Kyleigh Thurman should still be here with her child, her preventable death is heartbreaking and I’m enraged by the lack of healthcare provided to pregnant women because of these abortion bans. Here in NC, my sister was hemorrhaging after her missed miscarriage in May 2021- they gave her medication to slow down her bleeding but she continued to bleed for weeks and the miscarriage didn’t fully resolve until July. A couple days ago I wrote and deleted a diatribe to a former “friend” posting about all the murderous mothers wanting to “kill their unborn children.” If my sister had miscarried after the NC abortion ban had been put into affect, she was beyond 12 weeks. My niece was not even 2 yo at the time, she would have had 2 kids under 2 if her pregnancy had been successful. I keep seeing women who are being denied healthcare on a daily basis and I am trying to parlay this into action so I have downloaded ripple!

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This is so, so heartbreaking and it makes me so mad. 😭

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This is heartbreaking. And, she was aware of all of it as it happened. This is unconscionable and lawmakers and politicians will blame anyone except themselves.

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Such unnecessary harm they have created with their barbaric beliefs. Conservatives clearly don't care if women die during pregnancy complications or birth.

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