I'm over here just clinging to the good old bus analogy, a presidential election is like taking a bus, you take the one that is getting you closer to your destination, and the Biden administration is going the general direction I want. As opposed to the Trump bus to fascist hellscape.

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Oof. My text messages are a straight up disaster. I personally don’t think it’s realistic to discuss a new candidate option for the Dems - there are no shining stars.

Maybe like the subject line of another liberal feminist outline today says: you vote for an administration. And these SCOTUS decisions are because people didn’t like a woman and her emails and didn’t think about the big picture. So maybe that’s my talking point. Vote for the administration you want, not the old white man you see.

What a way to ruin a summer Friday - debate analysis and SCOTUS decisions.

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Whitmer/Shapiro. And they both won big in big swing states. I lean pretty far left (far more aligned with AOC than with Biden, and it is the rare candidate who isn't too moderate for my taste) and was all in for Biden until last night -- I think he's been an excellent president and incredibly underrated, and I am a firm believer in the not terribly rare or groundbreaking idea that character matters greatly. (One might even say "bigly.") But I'm also an RN, have worked with a great many older folks, and I am EXTREMELY concerned by what we saw last night. This is not a train that runs in reverse. It was a bad night? Okay. Will it be his last? Not a chance. They will get MORE frequent. Cognitive decline doesn't plateau, nor does it spontaneously resolve. In my professional opinion, there is a zero point zero zero chance that he is still in good enough shape, cognitively or physically, to do the job through January 2029. I know he has a good team, and that we elect a team, but expecting the "double haters" and other swing or Trump-inclined undecided voters to vote for someone they think won't make it through the term is unreasonable.

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